Society and Culture - "Good intercultural skills are the hey to effective intercultural communication.
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Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Society and Culture - "Good intercultural skills are the hey to effective intercultural communication., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Society and Culture - "Good intercultural skills are the hey to effective intercultural communication. paper at affordable prices!
Interacting with different cultures on a day to day basis is such a normal event that very few really know how many different cultural rituals and traditions are active in todays society. Many people naively assume that people from different cultures accept and perceive things the same way as they do, when in actual fact westernised rituals such as shaking hands is not considered polite in countries such as Japan. Intercultural skills are skills needed for the effective intercultural communication. Intercultural communication occurs when one culture interacts with another culture and is forced to contend with it. It can be defined as a representative, interpretive process in which people from different cultures share a common means. Intercultural communication can be linked to the concepts of authority; different cultures vary in the way they handle relationships between those with authority and those without. Power and how power is interpreted and disputed within different cultures. Gender in the sense of viewing the status and role that the male and female sexes play. Technology and how it has linked cultures in a way never thought possible and enabled us to understand rather than stereotype.
The concept of power differs greatly from culture to culture. In japan the less superior and thus less powerful person must bow lower than that of the superior person with the higher power. In all cultures there is a concept of power distance. This can be defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations accept that power is distributed unequally. Cultures with low power distance have a low tolerance of authority and strive for equality. Wheres countries such as Afghanistan are the complete opposite. Good intercultural skills such as suspending judgement of another cultures way of life and trying to empathise are needed when the power distance differs between cultures. If the concept of intercultural skills is applied to power then effective intercultural communication will prevail.
Authority and power usually go hand in hand. Those with authority ultimately have power over those who dont; this is the basis of most cultures. The difference is that the power that the authorities hold differs between each culture. The aboriginals have a very unique culture. For them not looking an authority figure in the eye is a sign of respect. However western cultures see not looking someone in the eye as being rude. These two cultures clash because of lack of intercultural skills. Australians very rarely understand how other countries perceive authority. Cultures with low power distance like to challenge authority and strive for equality. On the other hand cultures with high power distance have a high tolerance of authority and respect the unequal power structure. We look down on countries such as Iran because their whole society is based on authority. Criticising before trying to understand is a very common occurrence between cultures.
The roles of gender while in some cultures are very much the same can differ greatly to what we consider to be normal. Suspending judgement of another persons culture is important when communicating. Until all facts are known. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to view our own culture as superior to others, and relates to all cultures. Western cultures tend to discriminate against eastern cultures because of the roles that gender play. For example, western society is highly opinionated on the oppression of women in countries such as Afghanistan. These women although appear to be oppressed have lived within this culture since birth and it is a part of who they are. Numerous articles have been published on women who were happy in their so-called oppressed society. Cultures themselves can be divided into gender categories. The more masculine cultures value achievement, assertiveness, heroism and material wealth, They have very distinct expectations of the male and female roles within the society. Feminine cultures value relationships, caring for the less fortunate and overall quality of life and have a greater ambiguity in what is expected of each gender. Many cultures strive for equality of the genders but in this department no culture will ever be equal.
Order College Papers on Society and Culture - "Good intercultural skills are the hey to effective intercultural communication.
Our world is changing rapidly and as technology advances quicker than we can buy it, it has created the wonderful opportunity to interact with different cultures first hand, sometimes without even leaving the room. With the invention of the Internet cam the possibility to jump borders and cultures with the click of a mouse. As websites pages and chartrooms sprung up in there millions, the opportunity to learn about and converse with people from as far as the other side of the world became an everyday concept. The total number of Internet users is in the hundreds of millions everyday. When before we were restricted to the second hand information we read in books, magazines and newspapers the entire world now was able to learn directly from the source. This development of technology was revelational and bridged a gap between the cultures of the world. Intercultural skills and communication improved because societies were no longer kept in the dark about the cultures of the rest of the world. Each culture has its own characteristics and one is never exactly like the other. Most if not all cultures were ethnocentric but technology is broadening our stereotypical views.
Good intercultural skills are the key to effective intercultural communication. When related to the concepts of power, authority, gender and technology we can see how easy it can be to over look cultural diversity. People naturally fear the unknown and prefer to go by what the majorities think to what is reality. Although different cultures vary in the way they perceive different aspects of society the real key to effective intercultural communication is acceptance.Please note that this sample paper on Society and Culture - "Good intercultural skills are the hey to effective intercultural communication. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Society and Culture - "Good intercultural skills are the hey to effective intercultural communication., we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Society and Culture - "Good intercultural skills are the hey to effective intercultural communication. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
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